Feed the Fire

Thinking culture?

Think human


Some organisms thrive anywhere. Humans need purpose, connection and a sense of progress.

Businesses are (still) largely run by humans. We share basic needs. When they’re met, we flourish and so do the organizations we work in.

So, ask your people the following questions. (Anonymously – people tell you what they think you want to hear, right?) 

  • Why do you do what you do? Which elements of your work here resonate with you, heart and mind?

  • Can you connect with the people you work with? Are your work relationships in good working order? How do you solve problems together?

  • Do you have the skills, tools, trust and autonomy you need to get your work done?

If you get reasonably good answers from most of your people, all is well. They have purpose, they feel connected and they can see progress.

Fire fight? Or combined heat and power?

But if they aren’t finding ways to get these needs met, you’ll find smoke and flames everywhere you look, but not the kind of steady fire that will fuel your business long-term.

We’ve worked with businesses big and small in many sectors to help them (re)build a culture that works because it feeds basic human needs.

From surveys and workshops to intelligent communications and events, we use the same tools our competitors do (do you believe anyone who says they have a ‘unique proprietary high-performance culture solution’), we just understand people better.